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Blended training rationale

Katrin Viella, Head of Govox’s Training Academy, talks about the blended training strategy needed to implement positive wellbeing behaviours into today’s organisation.

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Blended training rationale


At Govox we take a structured, blended and whole organisation approach to training. Starting with a top-down strategy, we can ensure a best practice approach to psychological safety.   

With Senior Leadership at the heart of each organisation and increasingly recognising that staff wellbeing is a key business objective, it’s their legal, moral and professional duty to lay down the right foundations.  

Business leaders are recognising that this can be one of the most effective strategies for overcoming current and ever increasing challenges in the marketplace. If we want to create a positive, thriving working culture and environment through mitigating psychosocial risk factors we first and foremost have to ensure safety.  

This groundwork and psychological safety needs to be backed by the ones in power and the key decision makers, so equipping senior leaders with the right knowledge and skills is the starting point.  

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Policies, procedures, clear referral pathways and establishing an organisation specific graduated response and determining a monitoring baseline are key here.  

Fully understanding the strong connections between sustainable wellbeing and sustainable performance will allow senior leadership to integrate this approach to the wider business agenda and higher business aspirations. We know from numerous examples that one of the most effective ways of improving mental health culture is when Senior Leadership lead with positive examples through sharing own stories of struggle and recovery. Normalising conversations and help seeking is powerful when it comes from positions of influence and success. But leaders need to be equipped to share safely, so this is where our training provides effective guidance.  

The next step is to equip managers to connect, identify, support and then signpost their team members appropriately and timely. Managers need to be skilled and confident to take and manage conversations and effectively respond where reasonable adjustments and other aspects need to be considered. Most managers are focussed on performance management, however few know how to bridge the gap to managing mental health. Our training ensures a legally compliant and pragmatic approach, leaving managers able to manage situations directly rather than immediately relying on HR or Occupational Health.  

Once middle managers are equipped, we then offer mental health, resilience and burnout training to the rest of the organisation. This top-down approach ensures that once people open up conversations and are looking for support, this is met with appropriate responses and helpful actions. It also increases sense of ownership and empowerment. 

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Champion and listen/signpost networks like MHFAs or Mental Health First Responders are working best when stretching across all levels of the organisation. Structured and well supported implementation is crucial. These networks on their own, will make little difference without the right foundations and senior leadership backing in place. However, when implemented correctly, they can create major positive impacts.  

This is where our Training Academy team is able to provide expertise, guidance and continuous consultancy, ensuring these networks are working efficiently and safely.  

This role specific training approach ensures clarity of responsibilities, enhances ownership of personal wellbeing and duty of care to others.  

In short – everyone starts speaking the same language and pulling in the same, positive direction. 

At the Govox Training Academy we offer bespoke trainings aligned to specific, organisational needs including HR, train the trainer programmes, and ongoing support programmes for MHFRs/MHFAs, Wellbeing Champions and Wellbeing Leads.  

Our pricing for Govox courses are all per delegate and exclude VAT. 

To find out what blended training approach best suits your company or to find out more about our courses contact us here


As an experienced workplace wellbeing consultant and senior mental health trainer with an academic background in business and clinical psychology, Katrin Viella leads the Govox Training Academy. 

Having initially started out in cross-cultural leadership development and later gaining experience in the clinical field, Katrin has worked with people experiencing most complex and enduring mental illnesses and has previously managed fully accredited mental health training qualifications.

Katrin leads the Govox Training Academy, delivering a portfolio of training courses including Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Champion, Mental Health for Managers and Mental Health for Senior Executives.
