Promoting employee wellbeing and productivity


What is employee productivity?

Employee productivity is a measure of a person’s performance and output at work. It’s essentially how efficient an employee is in a given amount of time. Productive employees – ones that are present, engaged and high-performing – are key contributors to the success of the business. Employee productivity is crucial if an organisation is to grow, remain competitive and become more profitable.

Employee Productivity

Poor wellbeing and its impact on productivity

Many organisations will direct funds into technology and systems in the hope that it’ll improve productivity in their teams. But while the right tools for the job are of course important, a wellbeing strategy that demonstrates an employer exercising their duty of care is just as vital.

Employees are at their most productive when they’re in good mental health – and if their workplace isn’t nurturing that, or worse, is contributing to poor mental health, it’ll be immediately noticed in their output. Stress brought on by factors like an unmanageable workload, lack of support or feelings of isolation, for example, will ultimately lead to reduced productivity and, potentially, absenteeism should an employee be signed off from work.

Wellbeing and productivity

How to improve wellbeing and productivity

Prioritising wellbeing in the workplace is an important step towards looking after staff, increasing engagement and job satisfaction, and improving productivity. Get it right and employees perform better and are more likely to affect the business’ bottom line. It starts and ends with the people at the heart of the business. 

Alongside implementing mental health first responders and upskilling managers to negotiate difficult conversations, checking in regularly with employees is highly recommended. The Govox wellbeing platform enables employers to be proactive in managing workplace wellbeing and receive detailed insights about the mental health and productivity of individuals.

Get started

We turn difficult situations into positive outcomes.

Understanding mental health isn’t easy. Using technology and an effective proactive approach, we can improve happiness and save lives in the workplace, education and sports organisations.


People are invited to check in on a digital device and answer a series of short, friendly questions. This takes less than two minutes and is simple to engage with.


Check-in results on the Govox wellbeing dashboard instantly highlight those who may benefit from some support, enabling organisations to have the conversations that matter.


After each check in, the participant will receive their own personal wellbeing report, which offers proven wellbeing techniques tailored to their specific answers.

We use Govox to support the Palace for Life Foundation staff. Even from the first couple of check-ins, we have directly been able to support individuals so it’s been very effective so far.

Case study

Duncan Robinson

Head of HR & Business Support, Palace for Life Foundation

The partnership with Govox has significantly contributed to employee engagement and we have seen a strong uptake.

Case study

Claire Lish

Director of Human Resources, Pepper UK

Pricing Plans

We offer flexible pricing plans designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation. Our goal is to provide comprehensive wellbeing solutions that are accessible and effective, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

For detailed pricing information and to discuss the best plan for your organisation, please reach out to our team.

Speak to us today

Related insights and resources

We’re working hard to put wellbeing at the top of the agenda, whatever the sector and setting. Get the latest insights, expert opinion and news affecting how we all manage mental health.