Managing the wellbeing of your remote team


Why employee wellbeing is crucial

A mentally healthy and happy team is conducive of one that’s productive, effective and, importantly, committed to the organisation. To many employees, a job isn’t simply a means of income. We spend most of our lives working so it makes sense that we’d need to balance the expectations of a given role with employees’ wellbeing needs. In fact, it’s vital if businesses are to reap the commercial rewards of an engaged workforce with increased job satisfaction.

With remote working now the norm in many professions, the boundaries of a healthy work-life balance have begun to blur. It’s often not practical or possible to meet with employees face to face so ensuring the wellbeing of your remote team is more important than ever.

Remote working

How remote working can affect mental wellbeing

While it comes with flexibility and many other benefits, remote working, particularly for long periods of time, can have a major impact on employees’ mental health and wellbeing. 

Feelings of loneliness and isolation while working remotely tend to go hand in hand with an assumption there’s no longer access to necessary support. Employees can feel at a loss and with nowhere to turn if they need support, which could increase stress levels and severely impact wellbeing. 

Remote workers also have a tendency to over-work and struggle to switch off. Heavy workloads encroach on personal time as the temptation to work longer hours wins out. The established work-life balance that’s clear-cut in an office-based role begins to wane and employees are at risk of increased stress and exhaustion and headed toward burnout, as they try to juggle too many demands.

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Culture of care

Cultivating a culture of care for remote teams

As an employer (or person in a position of leadership), you have a duty of care and a requirement to oversee the wellbeing of your remote team. Employee mental wellbeing should take priority – particularly because you’re not in a position to physically see any signs of issues among your workers. 

A proactive approach can help you positively affect your employees’ mental health, cement their increased engagement and help them maintain performance. Communication is paramount here. Alongside simple techniques like regular one-to-one catch ups and frequent reminders to take breaks, quick check ins to get an insight into how staff are feeling will prove fruitful.

The Govox wellbeing platform is designed to offer a quick check in with staff and measure their happiness as they work remotely.


We turn difficult situations into positive outcomes.

Understanding mental health isn’t easy. Using technology and an effective proactive approach, we can improve happiness and save lives in the workplace, education and sports organisations.


People are invited to check in on a digital device and answer a series of short, friendly questions. This takes less than two minutes and is simple to engage with.


Check-in results on the Govox wellbeing dashboard instantly highlight those who may benefit from some support, enabling organisations to have the conversations that matter.


After each check in, the participant will receive their own personal wellbeing report, which offers proven wellbeing techniques tailored to their specific answers.

We use Govox to support the Palace for Life Foundation staff. Even from the first couple of check-ins, we have directly been able to support individuals so it’s been very effective so far.

Case study

Duncan Robinson

Head of HR & Business Support, Palace for Life Foundation

"The Govox solution is just so simple. It creates that greater level of connectivity. It helps the leadership understand who needs a quick chat, when they need it, support them with what has bothered them and really understand their feelings."

Case study

Rob Harris

Customer Delivery Director at Centrica

Pricing Plans

We offer flexible pricing plans designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation. Our goal is to provide comprehensive wellbeing solutions that are accessible and effective, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

For detailed pricing information and to discuss the best plan for your organisation, please reach out to our team.

Speak to us today

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