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Walking for Wellbeing
Walking is often overlooked as a form of exercise, but it is simple, free and easy.
Walking briskly can help build stamina, lose weight and become healthier.
We know that people benefit physically, emotionally and mentally once they start to walk regularly outdoors;
Walking and talking come very naturally together and walking in a group can make us feel more connected to each other, reducing loneliness and isolation.
Walking can improve mood and sleep-quality, reduce stress and anxiety.
Being in nature or in green spaces is shown to have a positive impact on mental health through being closer to greenery and being in a natural environment.
Here are our ideas to make walking easier and to support you to stay motivated:
Make walking part of your daily routine;
You can do this by
Walking part of your journey to work
Walking to the shops
Using the stairs instead of the lift
Leaving the car behind for short journeys
Walking the kids to school
Doing a regular walk with a friend
Going for a stroll with family or friends after dinner
Listen to music or a podcast;
This can help you get into a rhythm and take your mind off the effort and keep your walk interesting.
Make it interesting;
Add variety to your walks. You do not have to travel to the countryside to find a rewarding walk. Towns and cities offer interesting walks, including parks, heritage trails, canal towpaths, riverside paths, commons, woodlands, heaths and nature reserves.
Join a walking group;
Walking in a group is a great way to start walking, make new friends and stay motivated. Many organisations and charities offer walking groups of different lengths and intensities.
Get mindful;
Mindfulness does not need to be confined to sitting indoors, mindfulness waling can be incredibly beneficial. Mindful walking consists of becoming aware of your body, breathing and surroundings as you move.
Using wellbeing solutions steeped in innovative technology, Govox provides data and insights that helps leaders in schools , sports clubs and the workplace spot at-risk individuals and give much-needed support.
Related insights & resources
We’re working hard to put wellbeing at the top of the agenda, whatever the sector and setting. Get the latest insights, expert opinion and news affecting how we all manage mental health.
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