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Body: lessons from sport

This month, we’ve got some guest blogs from one of our ambassadors who is immersed in the world of elite sport, and in particular the lessons we can transfer from the sports world into our wider lives.


Our mind and body are inextricably linked.

If we look after our body, it can have a profound impact on the mind and vice versa. From decades of research in sport, it has been shown when elite athletes step away from their sport, it can have a challenging impact on both their mind and body. Regardless of whether we are elite athletes, or simply looking to live more healthier active lives, the impact of regular activity on our wellbeing cannot be underestimated.

Many people enjoy seeing their friends. They know each week that going for a coffee and a catch up with their nearest and dearest has a positive impact on their lives. Therefore, a key aspect to their time is planning catch ups with friends. If we apply this attitude to our bodies, we can create great habits that stay with us for a long time. Every week it is worth looking at how many times you are active. This could be walking to the shops, going to gym or sporting activity, a dog walk or even just a walk around the block.

When trying to create new habits, coupling something new with something existing is a great way to build strong patterns in your life. An example we’ve used is meeting a friend for a coffee. From next week, why not both make a coffee at home in a travel cup, and meet your friend for a walk and talk? By attaching your new activity ambition to something you’ve already embedded into your week, you’ll find that it so much easier to get a new behaviour started. Some key things to consider helping you on your activity journey:

  1. What are my non-negotiable habits each week? (e.g. walking the dog)

  2. What are my activity goals to get me started? (e.g. I want to do 5 x 30 mins activity a week)

  3. What are the best ways to couple together my existing habits with my activity ambitions to best reach my goal? (e.g. I am going to make sure I do a 30 minute walk with my dog Monday-Friday, even if someone else in the family comes with me)

Author, Kevin Pickard

AP Race Coaches Network

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