Wellbeing platform for Line Managers

The problem

Poor mental health is a costly problem

3 in 10 people admit to being deeply unhappy, while 1 in 10 have considered taking their own lives. That means someone in your office, your team, or someone sitting next to you is feeling desperate right now. 

Your team are your greatest responsibility.  As a Manager, you want to ensure that they have everything they need to perform well and develop in their role.  With remote working now the norm in many professions, the boundaries of a healthy work-life balance have begun to blur. It’s often not practical or possible to meet with employees face to face, so ensuring the wellbeing of your remote team is more important than ever. 

The Solution

How to support wellbeing at work

As a line manager, you have a duty of care and a requirement to oversee the wellbeing of your remote team. Employee mental wellbeing should take priority – particularly because you’re not in a position to physically see any signs of issues among your team.  

A proactive approach can help you positively affect your team’s mental health, cement their increased engagement and help them maintain performance. Communication is paramount here. Alongside simple techniques like regular one-to-one catch ups and frequent reminders to take breaks, quick check ins to get an insight into how staff are feeling will prove fruitful. 

The Govox wellbeing platform is designed to offer a quick check in with staff and measure their happiness as they work remotely. 


How Govox helps workplace wellbeing

Our employee wellbeing platform provides your team with useful, actionable insights and resources, while line managers are given the tools to better connect and offer the right wellbeing support. You’ll benefit from:

Increased engagement

The results of our employee wellbeing survey can be made anonymous or visible, and the whole thing takes less than two minutes to complete, meaning staff are more likely to engage.

Tailored support

Data is useful but clear insights enable you to make a real difference. With personalised results, you’ll be able to identify trends or patterns in an individual and spot key areas of concern.

Meaningful connections

We exist to facilitate a bond of trust between you and your staff – you’ll know when to step in and, importantly, how to offer the support that makes the difference.

Reduced absenteeism

According to Deloitte, poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion a year. Give leaders and employees the tools to manage mental health and staff are less likely to take sick days or prolonged time off.

Improved productivity and performance

The platform enables you to foster a people-centric business ethos that shows staff their wellness is important and their contribution is highly valued.

Reduced staff turnover

Proactively look after employees’ wellbeing and drive their loyalty and sense of belonging. This results in increased staff retention and, consequently, lower recruitment costs.

Pricing Plans

We offer flexible pricing plans designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation. Our goal is to provide comprehensive wellbeing solutions that are accessible and effective, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

For detailed pricing information and to discuss the best plan for your organisation, please reach out to our team.

Speak to us today

Employee wellbeing is central to our people values & culture, here at Phastar.  Govox gives us new & unique access to employee feedback, real-time analysis and actionable insights, providing our team leaders with a greater understanding of their teams.  We are building an increasingly caring & proactive culture here as we grow internationally.  This is central to our long term strategy of being the employer of choice, attracting and developing the very best people in the research sector.

Peter Taylor – Global HR Director

Global HR Director

The partnership with Govox has significantly contributed to employee engagement and we have seen a strong uptake.

Case study

Claire Lish

Director of Human Resources, Pepper UK

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Govox helps organisations promote and nurture a healthy culture in which individuals feel heard and valued. Discover how we’ve improved wellbeing in teams across a vast range of sectors.