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Worried about finances

A recent study undertaken by the Mental Health Foundation found that one third of UK adults worry about their finances, with those in financial difficulty at an increased risk of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and lower mental well-being.

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Worried about finances

A recent study undertaken by the Mental Health Foundation found that one third of UK adults worry about their finances, with those in financial difficulty at an increased risk of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and lower mental well-being. 

Economic and financial worries are associated with higher suicide rates, with over 420,000 people in problem debt considering taking their own life in England each year, with more than 100,000 people attempting suicide as a result of monetary problems.  

If financial concerns are having a significant impact on your everyday life, there is help available: 

  • Money Helper – guides and tools to improve finances, online support, and telephone support on 0800 011 3797. 

  • Mental Health Foundation – Finances – useful tips on looking after your finances and your mental health.  

  • Citizens Advice – information about issues such as dealing with debt, benefits and redundancy. 

  • Mind – this link helps you organise your finances, claiming benefits when you have a mental health problem, dealing with services and looking after your mental health when you’re worried about money. 

  • National Debtline – free and independent debt advice online and over the phone. You can call 0808 808 4000. 

  • Step Change – free online debt advice. 
