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Tips to help you move away from ‘being in your head’

We can often get stuck in our head, especially with the world at the moment. We can be worrying, and this can lead to anxiety about the future, stress and feelings of hopelessness. Or mental health can suffer, and it is important to not have thoughts spiral.

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Tips to help you move away from ‘being in your head’

We can often get stuck in our head, especially with the world at the moment. 

We can be worrying, and this can lead to anxiety about the future, stress and feelings of hopelessness. Or mental health can suffer, and it is important to not have thoughts spiral. 

That is why it can be useful to keep challenging your thinking by asking yourself some of these questions: 

  • Is this thought 100% true? 

  • Am I letting this thought define me? 

  • Is it helpful for me to think about? 

  • Is this thought adding any value to my life? 

  • How can I think differently and let this thought go? 

  • What is the reality? 

To help you move away from ‘being in your head’ here are a few tips and ideas you could try:  

  • Start small, complete one item on your to do list if you are feeling like there is far too much going on in your head.  

  • Practice random acts of kindness.  

  • Pick a colour, go for a walk and notice everything of the colour you chose. 

  • Change your language, lose the word ‘try’ and instead reframe.  For example instead of saying I’m going to try and lose some weight and get fit.’ say instead: I’m going to lose weight and be fitter’ 

  • Taking some inspiration from Yoda (Star War fans) “ Do or Do not, there is no ‘try’ “ 

  • Challenge your inner critical voice, we all have one that tells us that we are not enough, not worthy or good enough. Firmly disagree. A mantra could be ‘I love and appreciate myself more’ 

  • Write a list of the top 10 happiest moments of your life. Your list will show you that it is experiences and not products that make your life happiest. It is experiences that can make us grow and appreciate our lives.  

  • Walk tall and smile, your brain doesn’t know the difference so your brain will think you are happy and you will feel a lot better. 

Credit: Tips and Ideas extracted from Andy Cope – Happiness Expert and Co-Author of The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How you can flourish in a Crazy World.  
