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Tips to help you get a better night's sleep

Sleep is one of those things that is so underrated until you have a night of bad sleep.

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Tips to help you get a better night's sleep

Sleep is one of those things that is so underrated until you have a night of bad sleep 

There are so many things that impact a good night’s sleep from perhaps….overthinking, spending too much time on your phone at night before you head to bed, or the temperature is just not quite right. 

We are not able to solve all the issues that cause a bad night’s sleep but we will go through a few tips and ideas that can get you a better night’s sleep. 

· Look around your room…what do you see? 

If your room is cluttered, then getting good night’s sleep could be hard as your mind takes a mental picture of your space and sees it as a reflection of a busy space.  

Is your room too hot or cold? This can be an easy enough fix to ensure you are getting a well-rested night. From your bed linen to the curtains and pillows this can all impact sleep 

· Put away digital devices at least an hour before bedtime. 

The artificial blue light from phones or devices has an impact on sleep. Exposure to blue light at night-time disrupts the natural sleep and wake cycle because it is tricking the brain into not producing the essential ingredient called melatonin before bed. This means you will feel more alert and that is not what you want when you need to be resting 

· What you eat influences how you sleep. 

There are certain foods that are good for you as they contain types of chemicals such as serotonin and tryptophan which assist in the sleep hormone melatonin.
