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The importance of connections

We have an emotional and biological need to connect with others. It is not an optional extra. We are social by nature and if we experience moments of loneliness and isolation it can be toxic and detrimental to our health and happiness.

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The importance of connections

We have an emotional and biological need to connect with others. It is not an optional extra. We are social by nature and if we experience moments of loneliness and isolation it can be toxic and detrimental to our health and happiness. 

That is why if this pillar of wellbeing has flagged for you, it would be good for you to explore how you could strengthen your connections. We know that this is not just specific to family or friends. We can all go through episodes that perhaps feeling our family don’t ‘get us’ or their advice can, at times and unintentionally, not make us feel like we are understood or unhelpful. 

So, most importantly be kind to yourself, work on the connection to yourself, this can be in the form of taking some time to practice self care.  

The other relationships and connections you could explore are with those that could be different, perhaps you have a colleague at work, someone you come into contact with through a club or someone in your class that makes you smile or laugh, how could you nurture or use that as an avenue to connect? We can at times connect to a total stranger that we meet just for the day at an event and that can brighten the day.  

According to Dr Rangan Chatterjee, best known for his podcasts, books and being on TV, in 2021 a study by psychologists found that positive interactions with strangers helps us serve basic needs such as feeling connected and appreciated. 

It is about quality and not quantity.  Researchers have also advised people to initiate brief interactions, even a smile, to strangers’ because doing so supplies us with an important nutrient they call Vitamin S.  

Every bit of positive social feedback can give you a boost and make you see and feel the world differently.  


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