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How to Incorporate the Kids into Your Dad Exercise Regime
For many new fathers, one of the first things to go out of the window is exercise. You no longer have time to spend at the gym, you’re often too tired to run and your swimming trips are more about splashing in the shallow end than butterflying yourself into a frenzy. You need a dad exercise regime that includes the kids, but how do you do it? Here are some handy tips.
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How to Incorporate the Kids into Your Dad Exercise Regime
For many new fathers, one of the first things to go out of the window is exercise. You no longer have time to spend at the gym, you’re often too tired to run and your swimming trips are more about splashing in the shallow end than butterflying yourself into a frenzy. You need a dad exercise regime that includes the kids, but how do you do it? Here are some handy tips.
Cycling Practice
If your kids are learning to cycle, you can combine a quick lesson in the park with a jog. Whether you run behind them, holding their seat to keep them steady, or head off like Rocky whilst they peddle behind, shouting motivational slogans, you can get the heart pumping whilst helping them grow in confidence on two wheels.
Once they have that sorted, you can head out on bike rides together. Not only do you work off the beer and crisps, but you also enjoy some precious family time. Make some memories and move a notch or two down your belt. It’s a win/win situation.
Ground Force
Gardening can involve shifting around weighty items, which burns a good deal of calories. When the weather permits, why not set about redoing the outside spaces of your home, ably assisted by your children. You undergo a workout and they get their hands covered in mud, worms and everything else that delights young minds.
Not only does it fit the remit, but you also have a nice new garden in which to relax and sip a well-deserved beer. Something ‘light’ of course.
Should Have Gone to Specsavers
If you have children who play football for a junior team, you could volunteer to be a linesman or referee. Why stand shivering on the sidelines with a flask of tepid Nescafe when you could be in the midst of the action, running around and flourishing cards like it was Christmas.
In all seriousness, these teams are often desperate for match officials, and with some of the pushy parents who come to watch their little darlings play, you can see why. As long as you don’t mind having your eyesight and, potentially, parentage questioned on a regular basis, this is a strong element to add to your dad exercise regime.
Walk to School
If you do drop off or pick up at school, could you walk instead of drive? Even if you live a long way from the school, try parking a few streets away and walking the rest. Those extra steps all add up, and you are helping to alleviate the congestion at the school gates that is seen up and down the country.
Of course, to be able to add minutes onto your morning routine, you need to adjust a few things at home. Maybe an earlier wake up call for the children or an earlier breakfast. However, if it means being able to add a little exercise into a space where you wouldn’t be able to normally, it’s certainly worth the effort.
Walk the Dog
This site has already extolled the fitness benefits of owning a dog, but it remains true. Purchasing a pooch means you actually have to get out and pound the streets. It can also fit into a dad exercise regime because kids love throwing sticks for Rover and watching him scamper away to collect them.
Dog walking is a lovely family activity and also helps with your cardio vascular requirements. If you don’t want the expense or responsibility of owning your own canine, you could walk one for a neighbour, or even volunteer to be a Guide Dog puppy walker.
More Ideas for Your Dad Exercise Regime?
Do you have any other suggestions to build up a dad exercise regime that means you can spend time with your children whilst burning calories? Share the love and let us know in the comments.