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Financial Wellbeing

Being a little savvier and being consistent in our habits is one route we can follow and have control over. 

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We have come up with a few tips that you could be spending time doing or focusing on instead of on the news and the constant chatter on “rising costs”  

  1. Clear the cupboards – work with me here, what does spring cleaning have to do with the cost of living. The reason for this basic tip is that too often we have stockpiled items in our cupboard and not used it all. This includes the freezer. Take a close look at what you do have and aim to make meals up to use up what is already there. This small exercise will save those vital pounds.  

  2. Cash is King – it sounds strange that we would be going backwards when we are so easily swishing our way with contactless, however there is a psychological trigger when we go into a shop and pay for something in cash. It makes us part with something tangible.  There has been a study done by the Post Office that stated there has been a 20% increase in withdrawals than a year ago. When we restrict the amount of money we must spend, we control what goes out as we can see it being spent.   

  3. Time to get COLD – desperate times call for desperate measures, taking small actions like using cold water to wash dishes, lowering the heat dial when you have a shower or even choosing a shower over a bath are all short-term gains which support long term gains. Washing clothes at 30 degrees is another good way to save a few pennies.  

  4. Be the Light Police – do we really need all the lights on in every room for long periods of time? Getting into the habit of switching off the lights and not wasting electricity is not only good for the environment but also good for our pockets.  

If financial stress is also causing sleepless nights, the question to ask yourself is:  

“Will I be able to change anything within the 8 hours I sleep?” the answer is NO.   

Our bodies need the sleep to regenerate and without it, we are less productive, our work or relationships may suffer, as we may become more irritable and that in turn can cause lots of other knock-on effects.   

It is therefore crucial to calm your mind before you go to sleep, it takes some practice but with consistent effort it is possible.    


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