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Future Wellbeing Leaders - New Global Youth Advisory Board launched


Govox, in a new partnership with Championing Youth Minds is setting up a joint Global Youth Advisory Board, with the primary goal of developing the next generation of Wellbeing Leaders.

The new Global Youth Advisory Board has been established, to ensure young people have a stronger voice to influence the wellbeing agenda in their education environments and workplaces.

We are delighted to launch this GYAB and work with this new team of passionate and talented young people. Their energy and lived experiences will serve us all well in how we develop our joint thinking to develop their wellbeing agendas.

Nuzhad Chagan
Head of Wellbeing Strategy

In jointly forming this Global Youth Advisory Board, we have a new platform through which to network, share ideas and formulate actionable plans that we can take back to workplaces, colleges & universities.

Tanya Marwaha
Founder of Championing Youth Minds


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