Tackling mental health in sport

Utilising technology to improve happiness and save lives in sports organisations. Connect, identify, support.

understanding mental health

Identifying small issues early can make
a big difference in people's lives.

Understanding mental health isn’t easy. Unlike physical health, it often goes unnoticed. Until it’s too late. This hidden pandemic affects 1 in 6 people every week. You’ll know some of them.

Your sports organisation is like a family; volunteers and staff at your club need an effective way of spotting the issues early on, so you can make a real difference to the outcomes.

In a world that finds it hard to talk but is better connected digitally than ever, people are comfortable online. So our simple solution gives them a safe space to open up, enabling you to offer the right support when they need it.

Govox is making a real difference in sports organisations nationally and internationally – improving happiness by at least 10% in 3 months. Could your sports organisation be more happy?

Try our solution
Our clubs

Clubs that we work with


Our wellbeing platform is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Step 1: check in

Each user will receive an online invite to check in on their phone, tablet or computer. They will be asked to answer some short, friendly questions, which have been designed to flag up any concerns.

It takes only a couple of minutes to check in and this simplicity and ease means our users are found to regularly engage with the platform.

Find out more
Downloadable PDF

Downloadable PDF

At Govox we understand the dynamics of a local sports club. If you need to discuss this proposal with key stakeholders (IE committee members), please feel free to share this weblink or, if it helps, you can download a simple pack here that can help you in those key conversations.

At Govox we are always here to help with any questions you may have.

Download pack

The club’s academy has been utilising Govox for the past few months to engage with its academy players, in order to help assess their wellbeing. The platform has been a vital tool in the management of our young players wellbeing, particularly during the current climate of COVID-19.

Alex Tunbridge

CEO, Stevenage FC

We have found Govox really valuable in being able to monitor people that we don’t see every day, understand and sense check their mental wellness and highlight any issues. It’s a really helpful platform for picking out people that may benefit from a chat and is a very useful tool in terms of managing and supporting wellbeing.

Dianne Elliot

Sport Science Medicine Manager, Swim England

Sign-up now to get started with Govox

If you have all the information you need and you’d like to sign your club up for Govox, please fill out the form below.

How would you like to upload your club member data?

Pricing Plans

We offer flexible pricing plans designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation. Our goal is to provide comprehensive wellbeing solutions that are accessible and effective, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

For detailed pricing information and to discuss the best plan for your organisation, please reach out to our team.

Speak to us today


Find answers to commonly asked questions about the Govox wellbeing platform.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact our team, we’re happy to help.

Govox Wellbeing is a digital wellbeing solution that enables consistent, ongoing, light-touch monitoring of club members’ emotional health and happiness against a defined set of indicators, linked to Mental Health, via a regular Wellbeing Check In process. When people respond they will receive the latest hints & tips to help support their Wellbeing, you will also receive access to the responses so you know who in your club most needs support.

Clubs are a community, like a family to many. You care about your people and a regular Wellbeing Check In is one way you can keep conversations with your membership active and supportive; at clubs you are more than what goes on simply during sport. When someone is struggling it isn’t always obvious, research shows that it can be quite the opposite. Govox Wellbeing gives you the opportunity to connect regularly and help Prioritise The Conversations That Matter, making a real difference when it is needed most.

Govox Wellbeing is a valuable tool for clubs, but it shouldn’t feel onerous. It is just part of the solution and as such we run the process monthly, people don’t want to be bothered all the time and we find that once a month works brilliantly.

You will be able to nominate who at the club has secure access to the responses, this could be the coaching team or the pastoral/ Safeguarding team at the club. We can work with you to identify who is best placed.

Mental Health & Wellbeing can be a scary subject for many, but don’t be worried. Govox Wellbeing will identify the times at which most people just need a quick chat, a catch up over a coffee or a pint at the bar. If you feel that your club would benefit from further support & training, to handle more challenging conversations, we have a brilliant network of training and support that we can link you up with.

Yes. Data security is paramount, both legally and morally. Govox Wellbeing is GDPR compliant, Cyber Essentials approved and also approved for the NHS toolkit. Rest assured, your members’ data is safe & secure.

We were founded at a local rugby club; we understand the challenges of finances and budgets but we want to ensure everyone has access to the best tools & support available. For that reason we run the service for just £250 for the club per year. Nice and simple, and as low cost as we can deliver it.

When you sign up for Govox Wellbeing we will support you with two onboarding options. If you feel comfortable you can simply supply the members’ names & email addresses via a secure data upload, alternatively if you would prefer to let your members individually ‘opt in’ we would provide a web link that you can share with the members. They can read more about Govox Wellbeing and if they want to be included they input their own name & email address, listing which club they are associated to. It’s pretty simple and caters for all clubs.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact our team, we’re happy to help.

Contact our team