Embedding Govox Wellbeing into your organisation

We're delighted to have you on board. Here you will find information on our platform and an introduction to key features.

Wellbeing Check In

How check in works

Each wellbeing check in is made up of a short series of non-intrusive multiple-choice questions focused on the participant’s feelings and thoughts at that particular time. The questions have been designed in collaboration with our unique network of expert mental health partners and generate insights across the five pillars of wellbeing: body, mind, connections, fulfilment and emotions.  

The questions are relevant to different types of organisations, however, nobody knows your people better than you, so we’ll work with your organisation to tailor questions to ensure they’re relevant and will deliver the insights you need to effect real change.    

Wellbeing check ins are usually scheduled monthly but you can alter the frequency to suit your organisation’s requirements. Once a participant has received an email invite to check in, the whole process takes less than two minutes (simplicity that equates to boosted user engagement) and any responses for concern are flagged to you on the online wellbeing dashboard.


Valuable insights to tailor wellbeing strategies

The crucial difference with Govox’s wellbeing platform is that, unlike so many other 'surveys,' the results are not anonymous, although we do offer each organisation the choice to include an anonymous option if they prefer. Insights provided by the wellbeing dashboard empower organisations to proactively pinpoint at-risk individuals and provide effective support at the right time. You’ll be able to quickly identify trending emotions, motivators and stress triggers – but, importantly, you’ll be in a position to act on this information and make a real difference with personalised wellbeing support. 

Alert Feature

Spot early warning signs during check ins

The Govox alert feature notifies, via email, the nominated support within the organisation when an individual's check in results may highlight cause for concern.   Each organisation can decide what triggers an alert, whether it’s an individual raising over a certain number of red flags, a happiness score below an agreed threshold or a specific response to a question. 

my wellbeing resources

Support on a more meaningful level

Promoting wellbeing among your people is vital if you’re to earn their buy-in and continued engagement and help them thrive. Leaders should be equipped to spot poor mental health and have a wellbeing strategy in place for recovery. ​

My Wellbeing Resources shows your people that they’re valued, supported and importantly, that employee wellbeing is central to your business values and culture.​

Insights and reporting

Personalised people analytics to create engaged teams and meet organisational goals

Organisations thrive when their people are in good mental health, engaged in their performance and, consequently, at their most productive. 

Following on from your team’s check ins, Govox provides insights personal to each individual to help you proactively pinpoint those at risk, as well as identify trending emotions, motivators and stress triggers. 

We can help you tailor analytics to what matters most to your organisation. With our in-depth insights and reporting, you can measure employee happiness and receive alerts when individuals supply negative responses or reasons for concern.

Discover our alert feature


Find answers to commonly asked questions about the Govox wellbeing platform.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact our team, we’re happy to help.

We have found that monthly is about right for the frequency of a Check In.  In Education settings we will ensure that the Check In cycle matches well with term times and key dates. The frequency of a Check In is agile and can be set to meet your requirements.

Yes. We have sets of questions that work well in different types of organisations but ultimately this is your Check In so we will work with you to identify the perfect set of questions.

No. Research shows that apps drive very low engagement rates, so Govox is built as a proactive cloud based platform. You won't need to download anything and will be prompted whenever action is needed.

They can be. We allow users to choose for themselves at each Check In if they would like to remain anonymous this time, or indeed if they are happy for their responses to be visible to the support in their organisation.

Pretty high. On average 40% of people Check In monthly, 65% at least once in a 3 month period and as high as 85% at least once a year.

If someone is identified as needing support they will be offered the best 'next step' route for them. For organisations with support available, maybe via existing EAP, the Govox platform will integrate with that. If you haven't got that support, or indeed want to top up what is available, we can include our in the moment support line which gives direct access 24,7/ 365 to a BACP accredited counsellor.

Sometimes it can be difficult to have conversations when someone is needing support. At Govox we have access to the Govox Training Academy where we can work with you to upskill your teams so they are best prepared for supporting their colleagues.

Yes. Integration is key and we ensure that any existing support you have in place can be accessed or signposted via the Govox platform. Organisations often find this is a powerful way to maximise use of existing support structures & tools.

Yes. EAP is brilliant, but the big challenge is people:

a) knowing it is available
b) realising they need to access it

By integrating with Govox we are able to direct people to the right support, at the right time.

Yes. Integration is key and we ensure that any existing support you have in place can be accessed or signposted via the Govox platform. Organisations often find this is a powerful way to maximise use of existing support structures & tools.

Yes. Integration is key and we ensure that any existing support you have in place can be accessed or signposted via the Govox platform. Organisations often find this is a powerful way to maximise use of existing support structures & tools.

Yes. For organisations who need to top up the support available we include access to an In The Moment Support Line which gives immediate access to a BACP accredited counsellor 24/7, 365

Yes. At Govox we don't need to tie you into long contracts, if you want to check if it works for you we set up an initial 3 month pilot period, with clear transparent pricing. After this you can choose to extend on a monthly basis, or indeed commit for an annual contract, the choice is yours.

Govox naturally drives good participation, however this can always be enhanced with a strong launch and ongoing communication. We will support you through this and provide tools & tips to get maximum results.

The onboarding process is normally around 2 weeks, however the longer we have to plan launch with you the better.

We use a mythical currency "The price of a cup of coffee", however we did have to caveat that with "no fancy ones" as we came to learn that coffee prices vary! Head to the pricing page for more information.

Yes. At Govox we support a number of overseas offices, both in organisations that have coverage in a number of countries to ones located wholly outside of the UK. With a focus not only on language translation but also on cultural fit & awareness.